Burnout Progress Report


Job History Questions
1. Current job:
2. How long have you been doing this job?
Did the salary we offer attract you to this job?
3. Previous jobs with similar duties?
4. Second job?
Are people who can endure boredom more productive?
5. Is your employer aware of your ongoing problems? When did you inform your employer?
6. Work activities that contribute to your claimed injury:
Imagine that you repeatedly discover a coworker in the break room during their shift. What would you do?
7. Repetitive tasks performed in your job:
  • Weight involved with task
  • Force applied to do task
  • Right or left hand or both
  • Hours per day
  • Continuous hours performed
  • Frequency/length/number of breaks
  • Vibratory tools used
8. Movements involved:
Would you like doing repetitive work?
9. Recent changes in type or number of tasks performed?
How do you stay motivated to meet quotas and deadlines while performing repetitive tasks?
10. Overtime or extraordinary work?
Injury History
11. Describe your physical injury, including symptoms.
12. Location of symptom(s):
13. Date symptoms began:
14. Activities performed at symptom onset:
How much pain can humans really handle?
15. Do symptoms change when you are not at work? How?
16. When do these symptoms bother you?
How well do you perform under pressure?
17. What decreases symptoms?
18. What increases symptoms?
19. Treatments, investigations or consultations:
What would you do to become more efficient if you noticed that your production volume was much lower than that of your coworkers?
20. Previous similar problems:
21. Do you have any other health problems? Medications?
22. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
What's the least rewarding work you've ever done and why?
23. Are there recreational activities or hobbies you are no longer able to perform? If yes, please list activities.
24. Do you operate a computer outside of work?
How would you respond if your production quota was increased to a level that you thought you wouldn’t be able to achieve?
25. What do you think caused your condition?
Job Prospects Questions
What motivates you?
How would you define success?
How have you achieved your success?
What's been your biggest failure to date?
Are you leaving your current job?
Why are you leaving your current job?
Why are you starting this new job?
How important is the vision of the company to you?
Do you work well under pressure?
Are you willing to work extra hours?
How many extra hours are you willing to work?